
a beginners guide to using facebook...

These days, I've been building a Facebook page for another writer who is a long-time client of mine. My first challenge is that he is used to working with the stone-age tools of pen and yellow pad, but fortunately, he's stumbled around his computer at home and work long enough to acquire a few basic computer skills. Still, to be just starting out on Facebook was like throwing himself into the middle of a stampede without a running jump.. What to do... what to do...

I realized that, in order for him to have a clue about what I was doing for him, I had to teach him about Facebook, which would take a fair bit of time babysitting him at the computer and I didn't think that was the best use of my time. What to do... what to do...

So, I decided to create a lesson plan... the beginners guide to using Facebook covering the basics.

I set about making it with eight-by-ten colour glossy photographs ... with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one.

When it was all done, I was proud of my new creation—my bravura it's not but it sure was fun. And useful. At least for that minority of humanity that doesn't know how to use Facebook... poor dears... That's the equivalent of not knowing how to use a fork and knife... or an iphone...

So, if you happened to run across someone who is sadly Facebook-challenged, perhaps this little lesson plan will give them the launch they need to become mavens of social media. If not, they can enjoy the music I put with it.

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